
TiberonPrime·WarframeTierList-TIBERONPRIME·TiberonPrime:GeneralUse·RedCritMonster-224%CritChance-NoRivenHunterMunitionsBuild·The ...,TheTiberonPrimeistheselect-firePrimeversionofthethreeroundburst-firerifle,Tiberon,featuringoverallhigherstats.Uniquetotheweaponisits ...,TiberonPrime,theprimevariant.Latron,asemi-automaticriflerequiredtobuildtheTiberon.ModTT20pxMeasuredBurst,aTiberon-exclusiveCon...

Warframe Tiberon Prime Builds

Tiberon Prime · Warframe Tier List - TIBERON PRIME · Tiberon Prime: General Use · Red Crit Monster - 224% Crit Chance - No Riven Hunter Munitions Build · The ...

Conclave:Tiberon Prime - WARFRAME Wiki

The Tiberon Prime is the select-fire Prime version of the three round burst-fire rifle, Tiberon, featuring overall higher stats. Unique to the weapon is its ...

Tiberon - WARFRAME Wiki

Tiberon Prime, the prime variant. Latron, a semi-automatic rifle required to build the Tiberon. Mod TT 20px Measured Burst, a Tiberon-exclusive Conclave mod.

Tiberon | WARFRAME 繁體中文維基

See also ; 拳套, 甲龍雙拳 (Prime) • 弗拉克斯 (MK1) ; 劍盾, 席瓦之剑& 神盾 • 認知& 衝擊 ; 搏擊, 科加基 • 奥比克斯 ; 長柄武器, 歐特鲁斯 (Prime) • 電能斬鋸 • 蜻蛉薙.

Tiberon Prime - WARFRAME Wiki

The Tiberon Prime is the select-fire Prime version of the three round burst-fire rifle Tiberon, featuring overall higher stats. Unique to the weapon is its ...

Tiberon Prime - WARFRAME中文维基| 星际战甲

WARFRAME玩家:ZTKenan(小号:J_sz)(贴吧昵称:ji_vuvd 贴吧id:163Kenan 本站id:ZTKenan bilibili用户名:季-术宅QQ:1579322439) 该用户违反了本站遵守的CC-BY-SA3.0协议 ...

Tiberon Prime Set

Price: 50 platinum | Trading Volume: 120 | Get the best trading offers and prices for Tiberon Prime Set.